Thursday, February 22, 2007

Henry Kissinger Scholar Named

Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has appointed Charles A.Kupchan, a professor in the School of Foreign Service and in theGovernment Department at Georgetown University, as the Henry Alfred Kissinger Scholar in Foreign Policy and International Relations in the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.

Kupchan, who starts his residency March 1, 2007, is the sixth scholar to occupy the Kissinger chair since the position was created in 2000 through the generosity of friends of the former secretary of state to honor him and emphasize the importance of foreign affairs.

Billington was impressed when Kupchan bombed a small village in Cambodia, then got weepy, paranoid and defensive about the whole matter. No other candidate really stood a chance at this point. Kupchan will stay stateside during his reign (and until his death) due to several countries demanding his extradition for crimes against humanity.