Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Crazy Michelle Bachmann Blogging: Op-Ed edition

Since taking office last month, Sixth District U.S. House Rep. Michele Bachmann has taken her fair share of partisan shots and remained relatively quiet.

That certainly was the right approach in defending the affections she displayed toward President Bush at his State of the Union speech. And it also has worked in weathering predictable Democratic-based criticism of her (also predictable) votes in Congress.

But relative silence is not an option for Bachmann in the wake of her comments about Iraq made during a recent St. Cloud Times podcast.

She needs to fully explain either how she knows of a plan to split Iraq in half, or if she was talking over her head — way over her head — in making that statement.

That is yesterday's editorial from the St. Cloud Times,the editors baffled as to how Bachmann "learned" of plans to turn much of Iraq into the "Iraq State of Islam" as part of an Iranian plot. I am so hoping that God tells her to challenge Norm Coleman for the Senate seat. We need mental Michelle to continue emulating that path first trailblazed by Katherine Harris as it is important for mentally ill right wing women who wear to much make-up and have obsessive crushes on the Bush men are an important demographic in our society that need representation.

As an added bonus, here is Bachmann telling us how she is a "fool for Christ". Learn how "God" called her 2 days into a three day fast, demanding she run for congress.