Monday, May 07, 2007

Looking For Work Again

Curse George Soros anyways. My wife is back home from the hospital, and bills need to be paid, so it's time to start working again, because either George Soros lost my address, or he isn't going to give me a paycheck for blogging. Some conspiracy there.

I am trying to find a job that doesn't involve selling people crap they don't need, which is actually tougher than it seems. Something always comes up when I need it though. This time, perhaps I can get a job as Tom Friedman's moustache groomer. It's a seasonal job though. It lasts 6 months, then another 6 months, and so on.

If any political candidate needs a foul mouthed blogger, and doesn't mind me insulting them while on their payroll, I am available for that too. Oh, and I need Diet Coke. No Diet Coke= deal breaker.

Seriously though, it's going to be nice to get out of the house, my hands out of diapers, and be around adults for a change. You can only watch Barney so many times until you are primed for a visit from a police agency due to the neighbor's "concerns".

Considering we just added only 88,000 jobs last month, my timing kind of stinks. But, President Bush said that things are looking up, and he hasn't been wrong before has he?