Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Are You Going to Believe Your Lying Eyes?

Gonzales had an op-ed Sunday in The Post that included this positively breathtaking claim: The attorney general of the United States writes that "to my knowledge, I did not make decisions about who should or should not be asked to resign."

To his knowledge? What on earth does that mean? Is Gonzales in the habit of making decisions without his own knowledge? Does he have multiple-personality issues?

Rove, Wolfowitz and Gonzales are making the last-ditch argument of a cheating husband caught in flagrante: Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

From an op-ed today in the Washington Post by Eugene Robinson. Please read the whole thing. At least they have one sane columnist left other than E.J. Dionne over there. Encourage the sanity by visiting these writers.