Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Portuguese Discovered Australia

A 16th century maritime map in a Los Angeles library vault proves that Portuguese adventurers, not British or Dutch, were the first Europeans to discover Australia, says a new book which details the secret discovery of Australia.

The book "Beyond Capricorn" says the map, which accurately marks geographical sites along Australia's east coast in Portuguese, proves that Portuguese seafarer Christopher de Mendonca lead a fleet of four ships into Botany Bay in 1522 -- almost 250 years before Britain's Captain James Cook.

Australian author Peter Trickett said that when he enlarged the small map he could recognize all the headlands and bays in Botany Bay in Sydney -- the site where Cook claimed Australia for Britain in 1770.

As everybody knows, the Vikings discovered America. Or maybe it was the Chinese. My point being that as somebody with Viking blood, I do recognize the fact that my people were here first, but the claim of Portugal will be treated the same way. Just being somewhere isn't as important as the discovery changing history.