Tuesday, May 08, 2007

MPEACHW Is Protected Speech

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The state's motor vehicle agency has changed course on its planned recall of a set of personalized license plates encouraging the impeachment of President George W. Bush.

"After reviewing case law on this issue, we have determined that the plate will not be recalled," Paul Kinsman, Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Revenue and Regulation, said in a news release Monday.

The plates, which read MPEACHW, were issued to Heather Morijah of Rapid City.

Vanity Plates are just that. Unless they want people not to be allowed to express themselves on these things, they need to back off the censorship attempts other than for profanity. I do see a community decency standard there. Your three year old doesn't need to be stuck in a traffic jam with you behind a car that's plate reads "blow me" or anything.

We are starting to really swing back on our liberties lately be they speech, habeus corpus, privacy, etc. If somebody wants a plate that says "H8 Hillry" they can be my guest. The black UN helicopters can find you though and send you to the re-education camp easier that way though. The satellites can find you by your plates and all.