Friday, February 16, 2007

English Grandmothers Make Sweaters for Penguins

A group of knitting grandmothers are doing their bit to help endangered penguins p-p-p pick up a pullover. The group, from Seaham, County Durham, hope the tiny garments will help to save the lives of stricken penguins.

Miriam Whittington, with friends Jen Evans and Evelyn Nichols, have spent weeks knitting the woollen jumpers for endangered Australian fairy penguins.

I really wanted to be snarky about this, but it's awfully damn sweet of them. They have knitted 50 sweaters (penguin sized) so far. Got to love those grandmothers. Alot of oil slicks off coastal Australia coat the birds, so when they are rescued and going through the cleaning process, which often is in stages, the sweaters prevent the penguins from cleaning themselves, ingesting the oil.

Grandmothers are the best.